Units supported
Hq & A Co. 709th Maintenance Battalion
HQ & A Co was at Bearcat and moved to Dong Tam
HQ & HQ Company, 9th Infantry Division
15th Engineer Battalion
86th Engineer Battalion
93rd Engineers
69th Engineers
46th Engineer Detachment (Rach Kien)
9th Signal Battalion
9th Medical Battalion
9th Chemical Company
9th Military Police Company
9th Administration Company
9th Supply and Transport Battalion
9th Military Intelligence Detachment
493rd Military Intelligence Detachment
584th Military Intelligence Detachment
1097th Transportation Company (Medium Boat)
Armor Platoon, Air Cushion Vehicle
39th Chemical Detachment
335th Radio Research Company
19th Military History Detachment
18th Public Information Detachment
19th Public Information Detachment
10th Psychological Operations (PSYOPS) Battalion
Public Information Detachment
OL5, 5th Weather Squadron, U.S. Air Force
14th Military Intelligence Detachment (ARVN)
Vietnamese Interpreters (ARVN)
Tiger Scouts
361st Avation Detachment, 165th Aviation Combat Group
9th Infantry Division Detachment, U.S. Army Special Security Group
HQ & HQ Battery, 9th Infantry Division Artillery
HQ & HQ Company and Band, DISCOM
HQ & HQ Company, 214th Combat Aviation Battalion
B Co. 709th Maintenance Battalion
B Co. was at Bearcat and Tan An, The Bearcat Sect. moved to Dong Tam
9th Aviation Battalion
191st Assault Helicopter Company
240th Assault Helicopter Company
162nd Assault Helicopter Company
D Troop 3rd Squadron, 5th Cavalry
A Troop 3rd of the 17th Cavalry
B Troop 3rd of the 17th Cavalry
A Troop 7th of the 1st Cavalry
C Troop 7th of the 1st Cavalry
361st Aviation Support Detachment
C Co. 709th Maintenance Battalion
C Co was at Bearcat and moved to Dong Tam
HQ & HQ Company, 1st Brigade
2nd Batallion, 1st Infantry
2d Battalion, 39th Infantry
3d Battalion, 39th Infantry
D Co. 709th Maintenance Battalion
D Co was at Bearcat and moved to Ben Luc
HQ & HQ Company, 3rd Brigade
5th of the 60th Infantry
2d Battalion, 2d Infantry
2d Battalion, 47th Infantry
6th Battalion, 31st Infantry
2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery (105mm
3d Battalion, 60th Infantry
E Co. 709th Maintenance Battalion
E Co was at Bearcat and moved to Dong Tam
HQ & HQ Company, 2nd Brigade
3rd Battalion, 34th Artillery (105mm) (Riverine)
2d Battalion (Mech), 60th Infantry
2d Battalion, 77th Armor
Companyies of the 99th Combat Support Battalion
Hq Co. 99th Combat Support Battalion
HQ & HQ Company, 3rd Brigade
5th of the 60th Infantry
2d Battalion, 2d Infantry
2d Battalion, 47th Infantry
6th Battalion, 31st Infantry
2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery (105mm
3d Battalion, 60th Infantry
A Co. Administration 99th CS Bn.
Replacement for 9th Administration Bn. and was at Tan An Air Field
HQ & HQ Company, 3rd Brigade
5th of the 60th Infantry
2d Battalion, 2d Infantry
2d Battalion, 47th Infantry
6th Battalion, 31st Infantry
2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery (105mm
3d Battalion, 60th Infantry
B Co. Maintenance & Supply 99th CS Bn.
Replacement for 709th Maint Bn. & 9th S&T Bn. the maint was at Ben Luc and the supplys where at Tan An Air Field
HQ & HQ Company, 3rd Brigade
5th of the 60th Infantry
2d Battalion, 2d Infantry
2d Battalion, 47th Infantry
6th Battalion, 31st Infantry
2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery (105mm
3d Battalion, 60th Infantry
C Co Medical 99th CS Bn.
Replacement for 9th Medical Bn. and was at Tan An Air Field
HQ & HQ Company, 3rd Brigade
5th of the 60th Infantry
2d Battalion, 2d Infantry
2d Battalion, 47th Infantry
6th Battalion, 31st Infantry
2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery (105mm
3d Battalion, 60th Infantry
D Co. 99th CS Bn.
Was Troop Replacement & Misc.
HQ & HQ Company, 3rd Brigade
5th of the 60th Infantry
2d Battalion, 2d Infantry
2d Battalion, 47th Infantry
6th Battalion, 31st Infantry
2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery (105mm
3d Battalion, 60th Infantry
To E-Mail the Web Master
Dean W. Ayres
Last updated 10/6/2010
Division Infantry
6th Battalion, 31st Infantry
39th Infantry Regiment2nd of the 39th Infantry
3rd of the 39th Infantry
4th of the 39th Infantry
47th Infantry Regiment2nd of the 47th Infantry
3rd of the 47th Infantry
4th of the 47th Infantry
60th Infantry Regiment2nd of the 60th Infantry
3rd of the 60th Infantry
(1st Bn, 16th Inf redesignated 5th Bn, 60th Inf. 10-21-68 )
43rd Infantry Platoon (Scout Dog)
45th Infantry Platoon (Scout Dog)
65th Infantry Platoon (Combat Tracker)
Division Reconnaissance
3rd Squadron, 5th Cavalry
Company E, 50th Infantry (Airborn LRP)
Company E, 75th Infantry (Ranger)
Division Artillery
2nd Battalion, 4th Artillery (105mm)
1st Battalion, 11th Artillery (105mm)
1st Battalion, 84th Artillery (155mm)
Battery C, 5th Battalion (AW)(SP), 2nd Artillery (40mm "Dusters")
6th Battalion, 77th Artillery
Battery H (Searchlight), 29th Artillery
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and more information is needed.
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To E-Mail the Web Master
Dean W. Ayres